Approximately 122,844 cervical cancer cases are analyzed in India annually, accounting for about a third of all cervical cancer fatalities worldwide. About 18.3 percent of Indian women are affected by cervical cancer, according to Globocan 2020. Only a small percentage of women in India are screened for cervical cancer because of a lack of attention, hesitation, or limited access to medical services. A cervical cancer diagnosis detected early with cervical cancer symptoms and treated effectively is one of the most successful cancer treatments.
Cervical Cancer: Knowing more about it
A narrow opening is found at the lower end of the uterus, referred to as the cervix. It connects the uterus with the vagina. And cervical cancer is known to be the cancer in this area.
In most cases, cervical cancer develops chronically. Normally, changes that start in the cervix’s anatomy before they turn into full-blown cancer (precancerous) are called “dysplasia” or “cervical intraepithelial neoplasia” (CIN). Cancer can be prevented if these changes are detected and treated in time. The risk of cervical cancer spreading to other body parts and becoming deadly is higher if the disease is not detected and treated early.
Cervical Cancer: Causes
As we all know, cervical cancer and abnormal changes in the DNA of healthy cells occur in the cervix over some time. There is a set of instructions assigned to the DNA of a cell that lets it know what to do and how to do it.
The multiplication and development of healthy cells occur at a fixed rate, and they will die at a specific time. In simple words, the mutation tells the cell to multiply and develop out of control so that it will not die. There might be a chance of the formation of the tumour when abnormal cells gather in an area. There might be a possibility for a cancer cell to invade surrounding tissues and even break off from the tumour to spread to other body parts.
In spite of the fact that it is unclear what are the reasons behind cervical cancer, it does look like HVP is a main part of the procedure that causes it. A large number of individuals are diseased with HPV, and mostly it will not grow cancer from the virus. Moreover, it follows that other issues, such as the setting in which you are living or your routine choices, can also play a major role in emerging cervical cancer. Therefore, there are numerous causes behind cervical cancer symptoms.
Types Of Cervical Cancer
Your forecast and cure will vary depending on your type of cervical cancer and its cervical cancer symptoms. Cervical cancer occurs in the following types:
Squamous cell carcinoma
The squamous cells that line the outside of the cervix, which spreads into the vagina, are accountable for this type of cervical cancer. Squamous cell carcinomas contain the majority of cervical cancers.
This type of cervical cancer affects cells that line the cervical canal.
Both types of cells can be involved in cervical cancer at times. Other cells in the cervix may become cancerous very rarely.
Cervical Cancer Symptoms
Unusual Discharge
It is normal to experience vaginal discharge; however, the type of discharge you experience may indicate your vaginal health. It is common for women with cervical cancer to experience discharge that is foul-smelling, pink, brown, or bloody in colour. Often, it is difficult to distinguish discharge indicative of cervical cancer from discharge caused by one of the many other conditions. To rule out anything serious, routine screenings are necessary.
Pelvic Pain
Aches and pains in the pelvis are not only a result of menstrual cramps. You may be experiencing pelvic pain outside of your normal menstrual cycle if you experience it outside of that period. Depending on the extent of the pain, it may be sharp or dull, widespread throughout the pelvic area or localised in one area. In either case, pain serves as the body’s warning system.
Irregular Vaginal Bleeding
In most cases, abnormal vaginal bleeding is a cervical cancer symptom. In most cases, this results from cancer spreading to nearby tissues. Despite spotting being harmless, you should see your doctor if you experience bleeding between menstrual cycles, heavier or longer periods, bleeding following sex, menopause, pelvic exam, or bleeding resulting in anaemia.
Painful Sexual Intercourse
There is a possibility that women with advanced cervical cancer may experience pain during sexual intercourse. When a tumour grows throughout the tissue and even within the reproductive organs, it causes pain. If experienced, it shouldn’t be ignored if it causes this pain.
Bowel Movement Complications
There is a chance that cervical cancer can affect a woman’s urinary habits and bowel actions, and it is one of the top cervical cancer symptoms. An increased need for urination or a change in the consistency of your stools over a long period may indicate that cancer has spread to the kidneys, bladder, or colon.
Loss of Weight
Cervical cancer symptoms can include a loss of appetite or weight that is unexplained and does not fit into any other category of cancer. If you are losing weight regardless of your food intake, this can be especially evident if the weight loss persists.
Fatigue is something we all experience from time to time, but when should you begin paying closer attention to it? Cancer patients may feel exhausted and weak most of the time. People who are fatigued often feel fatigued even when they are performing the simplest of tasks.
What are the different ways to prevent Cervical cancer?
To decrease your risk of cervical cancer, you can take some protective actions relying on your age, personal risk factors, and general health.
- Don’t forget to perform regular pap smear tests
It is a wise idea that you should get up test as soon as possible to stop cervical cancer. During a pelvic inspection, your gynecologist will gather a sample of cervical cells to notice any irregularities.
- Take an HPV vaccine
HPV vaccine can be really helpful in the decline in the risk of infection for children and young adults in a large number of cases.
- Practicing safe sexual behavior
If you wish to be on the benign side, limit your erotic activities to one partner, use safety, and avoid starting sexual activities when you are young.
- Stop smoking
The topmost priority that should be on your list in order to save yourself from cervical cancer is to quit smoking.
This blog mentions cervical cancer and its signs. If you see any of the cervical cancer symptoms listed in this blog, contact the gynecologist immediately to eliminate any worries.