Cancer is one of the chronic diseases that people across the globe face. People who are diagnosed with cancer have to go through a roller-coaster of emotional and physical journeys. It’s essential to ensure that you are receiving the best possible care and treatment options for your specific case. That’s why it’s important to get a second opinion for cancer.
From diagnosis to the healing journey, every little thing is critical, making it difficult for people to understand and scared to make decisions. Every individual seeks assurance in diagnosis to ensure they are on the right path and healing journey. Sometimes even after connecting with the best doctors, they want to ensure by taking a second opinion.
Consulting doctors for a second opinion is one of the best ways to ensure peace of mind for a healing journey. But what exactly is cancer, and why can a second opinion help you? This article will help you understand everything you need to know.
What is Cancer, And Why Does Cancer Occur in Our Body?
Cancer is a broad term for diseases that can occur in different parts of the body. When cells in the body change abnormally and divide rapidly, it results in cancer.
According to data from the World Health Organization, cancer is the most significant cause of death in the world. Normally, the cells in our body grow and divide in a systematic manner. When these cells change abnormally and start division rapidly, it becomes cancer. The cells multiply increasingly and spread in different parts of the body. These cells continue to grow and divide abnormally without stopping.
Cancer in different parts of the body can have different impacts. There are more than 100 different types of cancer that are named on tissues or organs. Some common types of cancer include the stomach, prostate, colon, lung, and rectum.
How Cancer Occurs in Human Body?
Usually, cancer is named on the organs or tissues that abnormal cells target. As the cancerous cells grow, they spread to different parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. These cells grow and may or may not develop into new tumor. It is known as Metastasis. Cancer first spreads to the lymph nodes. These lymph nodes are tiny and shaped like bean organs that help us fight infections.
These lymph nodes are located in our body in clusters in different areas like the neck and under the arms. Another way cancer can spread to other parts of your body is through the bloodstream. They can reach other body parts like the lungs, brain, liver, etc.
Cancer can be caused due to different reasons. Some common cancer symptoms and causes are as follows:
Causes of cancer are mutations or the changes that occur to your cells’ DNA. Sometimes genetic mutations can be inherited, while some can be due to environmental issues. Some common external factors that cause cancer include physical carcinogens such as ultraviolet rays and radiation. Biological Carcinogens include bacteria, parasites, and viruses, while chemical Carcinogens include alcohol, cigarette, air pollution, and contamination of water and food.
There are some risk factors that can develop chances of cancer which include tobacco, lack of physical activity, radiation, air pollution, eating an unhealthy diet with too much sugar, exposure to UV rays, infections by a virus like HIV, hepatitis C or B, etc.
Symptoms of Cancer
Cancer is complicated; different types of cancers have different symptoms. In addition, you might have had cancer for years but no symptoms. However, there are times when cancer can develop some noticeable symptoms which might resemble other disease symptoms. So, there are chances that you have symptoms of some other disease that looks like cancer symptoms. So, only having symptoms does not prove your disease; it’s important to confirm your diagnosis. Some of the most common symptoms of cancer are:
- Tiredness
- Unknown weight loss
- Continuous pain
- Fever during night
- Skin changes like moles. There can be new moles or existing moles changing shapes.
Some causes that might arise when it’s untreated:
- Difficulty to swallow
- Persistent lumps or bumps on the body
- Easy bleeding or bruising
- Difficult breathing.
Diagnosis of cancer begins when a person visits a doctor for consultation due to these symptoms or any other symptom. The doctor will talk about medical history and discuss symptoms, followed by various tests for diagnosis. Screen tests like colonoscopy, pap test, mammography, etc., to confirm the diagnosis. However, a biopsy is the only way to confirm the diagnosis for most cancers. A biopsy is a test in which a small amount of tissue is removed for further study.
Which Stage of Cancer is Last, and Which One Is the Worst Stage of Cancer?
There are five different stages of cancer– Stage 0, Stage I, stage II, stage III and IV. Stage 4 is considered the worst stage of cancer, which is sometimes referred to as Metastatic Cancer. At this stage, the cancer is spread from its origin to distant body parts. This stage of cancer is often diagnosed years after the first or initial stage of cancer.
Often at this stage, the primary cancer is either treated or removed. When cancer reaches a distant body part, it is still referred to as its origin. For instance, if breast cancer reaches the brain, it will still be known as breast cancer, not brain cancer.
Though stage 4 is the last stage, many cancers have subcategories in stage 4, such as stage 4A, stage 4B, etc. The subcategories define the extent to which cancer is spread throughout the body.
Cancers that are in liquid form or blood cancer, like leukaemia, multiple myeloma, lymphoma, etc., stage differently compared to cancers in the solid form.
Grading of Stage 4 cancer:
Most cancers in stage four are graded in the TNM system to determine the stage. TNM refers to Tumour, Node, and Metastasis. Tumour is the original size of a Tumour. Node to understand whether it’s present in lymph nodes. Metastasis to understand whether it’s spread across different body parts.
Though all cancers are not graded according to this, liquid cancer grading has different protocols. Usually, the grading of different cancer is done, but not all. After several tests and diagnosis, doctors confirm the stage.
Who is Prone to Cancer?
Cancer can be caused due to different factors, but almost everyone is prone to cancer. Exposure to risk factors can determine cancer. According to data, cancer cases vary based on gender and race.
As per reports, it affects slightly more men, slightly affects black men more than other people; typically, people above 60 develop cancer. There are various risk factors that can cause cancer, but if you avoid a few things, the chances might reduce.
Is Cancer Genetic?
Genetics can contribute to cancer to some extent. An individual’s genetic code communicates to cells for division and to expire for regrowth. Changes in genetics or DNA can lead to faulty communication, which might result in cancer. Genetic mutations can contribute from 5 to 10% of cancer causes.
Does Stress Cause Cancer?
Stress describes the emotional, mental, and physical pressure that an individual goes through due to daily experiences or more. Our body responds to stress; differently; it may vary from person to person. But does it have any connection with cancer? No! Not directly. Stress does not directly relate to cancer. However, chronic stress can cause issues. For a cancer patient, taking chronic stress can lead to a harmful impact on cancer in terms of progress.
Therefore, it is important for people diagnosed with cancer to learn to deal with stress. Cancer is already harmful to the body, and adding chronic stress will lead to dealing with two problems at the same time.
For caregivers, it’s important to provide emotional support and help cancer patients to deal with stress during diagnosis and treatment. Stress might not be directly related to cancer, but it can alleviate the issue.
Why is it Important For Patients to Getting Second Opinion for cancer?
Second Opinion for cancer patients is important in many ways, such as:
Symptoms: There are chances your doctors have considered symptoms for your cancer diagnosis, but reports are yet to come. The symptoms can miscommunicate or misunderstand other diseases. Many cancer symptoms, like chronic pain, fever, etc., are common in other diseases.
There are chances you have another disease but are wrongly diagnosed as cancer or vice-versa. So, it is important to take a cancer second opinion online to confirm your case and understand if the symptoms are really related to cancer.
Peace of mind: We cannot deny that a cancer diagnosis can be scary not only for the patient but the family as well. Even if you have already found your doctor, you need reassurance that it is all fine or you are moving in the right direction for healing.
Sometimes the second opinion does not only mean you will receive different results or your doctor did not give you the right diagnosis; it is more for peace of mind. Accept that the patient is diagnosed with cancer and needs to go into the right treatment.
A different perspective: For a successful treatment, the efforts of the whole team are required. Right from nurses to doctors or specialists, complete efforts will make your treatment successful. Sometimes a doctor can’t recall or might not have been introduced to the latest treatment.
A second opinion can help you get a different perspective on treatment and procedure. Following a multidisciplinary approach can help you better compared to a single path. A second opinion can provide you with a new perspective, better diagnosis, treatment options, and more.
Confirm your doubt: Sometimes, when patients hear about a cancer diagnosis for the first time, their mind is filled with fear. The first opinion on cancer is always difficult to believe. A second opinion can help you confirm your doubts and clear your queries. You can confirm if you have been diagnosed with cancer or not, how you can proceed, etc.
These reasons indicate that you should go for a cancer second opinion online.
What Percentage of Patients Getting Second Opinion for Cancer?
According to a study, taking a second opinion resulted in a changed diagnosis by 15%, while treatment was 37%.
In 2017, there was a study conducted stating that 15% of people did not get a second opinion as they felt pressured. This results in a hurry and can lead to issues. Chronic stress on diagnosis can have a harmful impact. However, times change, and people understand the importance of health. They take a second opinion to resolve their queries and proceed with the right treatment.
Is it Worth Getting a Second Opinion For Cancer?
Yes! Taking a second opinion on cancer can help you. You can not only confirm your diagnosis and ensure you’re taking the right treatment but also have peace of mind. A cancer diagnosis impacts the patient physically, but it also has a huge impact on families mentally.
A person diagnosed with cancer is somewhat responsible for their loved ones. They are emotionally disturbed and are responsible for taking critical decisions for treatments. Therefore, it’s important to take a second opinion to clarify each and every doubt.
Cancer is harmful not only physically but mentally. There are a lot of changes that take place in our body, and many times patients forget their surroundings. Cancer is a group of diseases that may or may not be caused by changes in genetics but by abnormal changes in cells.
In our modern lifestyle, the risk factors of cancer have increased, and it’s important to have a healthy lifestyle to avoid these issues. Symptoms and screenings at an early stage to detect cancer are highly vital. Cancer at an early stage can be cured, but later it can be more complicated.
A second opinion about cancer can help you confirm your doubts, resolve queries, and get peace of mind. Many people do not consider the second opinion and feel pressured for treatment. However, in diseases like cancer, it is crucial to take every step with utmost care.
Choose iLiOS Health for Cancer Second Opinion.
If you are looking for a best second opinion doctor for cancer , iLiOS Health is the perfect place for you. We have a simplified solution to help you with a cancer second opinion online. Our experts are registered practitioners and can help you resolve all your questions any time you need. Contact iLiOS Health now for a cancer second opinion.