Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Women around the globe love breast implants as they boost their confidence and make them look attractive. But anyone thinking of opting for implants can’t help wondering about breast implant safety. Naturally, ‘Do breast implants cause cancer?’ is a recurring question on the internet. So, today we will clear all your doubts about silicone implants cancer risk.
Breast Implants: An Overview
Breast enlargement surgery is done to make the breasts appear full. With silicone implants, any woman can have breasts of their desired shape and size.
The procedure is quite simple. First, the surgeon makes a small incision in the armpit or the area surrounding the nipples. After that, they insert the implant into a pocket made beneath the existing tissue. This pocket supports the implant and holds it in its place. The implant can be silicone-filled or filled with saline.
After the procedure, there can be some tenderness and bruising, and it usually takes a few weeks for complete recovery. As far as breast implant surgery risks are concerned, complications are rare. However, like other cosmetic treatments, there is always some risk involved.
One short-term complication is bleeding after the operation. A long-term complication can be hardening of the breast implants.
Can Breast Implants Cause Cancer?
Several studies have been performed by medical professionals to find out if textured implants can increase the chances of developing cancer. They have found that women with breast implants do not have a higher risk of breast cancer.
However, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has said that there is breast implant cancer risk to some extent. Breasts implants may raise the possibility of having a certain type of cancer known as anaplastic large cell lymphoma.
Abbreviated as ALCL, anaplastic large cell lymphoma is a rare cancer that attacks a person’s immune system. If it’s linked to implants, then it is termed breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma or BIA-ALCL. BIA-ALCL develops in the breast tissue close to implants. As opposed to smooth implants, if the shell of the implants is textured, chances are higher.
However, BIA-ALCL or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is among the rarest types of breast cancers. Breast pain and persistent swelling are two of its biggest symptoms. But doctors aren’t sure if breast implants raise cancer risk, and they require to perform more research to state it with certainty.
There is another rare kind of implant-associated cancer, namely squamous cell carcinoma. As it develops around breast implants, doctors call it BIA-SCC (breast implant-associated squamous cell carcinoma). Very few cases of it have been reported and hence, researchers need time to be able to conclude if silicone implants play a role in causing BIA-SCC.
FDA Labeling on Implants
FDA has taken significant steps to help women make informed decisions when opting for breast implants. One of the major breast augmentation safety guidelines is that the implants should be approved by FDA. So, if you want to avoid any kind of breast implant illness, please check the FDA labeling before you proceed.
Breast-care Tips for People with Implants
Women with textured breast implants can lead their lives normally. There is no restriction on engaging in sexual activities or doing heavy workouts. However, you should always check for:
- Sudden swelling
- Alterations in the shape of the breast
- Lumps (even if they aren’t painful)
- Constant or recurring pain near/ in the breast
- A rash on the breast
- Formation of a scar tissue or hardening of the breast
- Fluid accumulating near the breast
To Sum Up
We hope we have sufficiently answered your question ‘Do breast implants cause cancer?’ After learning this, if you wish to undergo this cosmetic procedure, the choice is yours.
Just remember that having bigger breasts is not the only definition of beauty. You are gorgeous irrespective of your breast size. But if you still feel that fuller breasts will give you more confidence and make you look stunning, go ahead with it. Just keep in mind that you should research well and find a renowned plastic surgeon who excels at performing breast reconstruction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the connection between breast implants and cancer?
Studies reveal that people with breast implants are not at a greater risk of BIA-ALCL. However, the tissue around the implant is where rare cancers may thrive. It’s still not known if implants are associated with cancer directly.
Q. Are there any long-term risks associated with breast implants?
Silicone implants cancer risk is a long-term risk linked to implants. That’s because BIA-ALCL is a cancer of the immune system, and it is usually seen in the area that comes in contact with the breast implants. However, more research needs to be done in this matter.