Irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive condition affecting the large intestine. It is accompanied by symptoms like bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, etc. While it does not damage the digestive tract or lead to cancer, IBS symptoms can be very frustrating. So, irritable bowel syndrome treatment focuses on providing relief from the symptoms.

IBS is a common condition that affects almost 15% of US adults. It can be of different types like IBS with diarrhea and IBS with constipation. Hence, in today’s article, we will discuss in detail how to treat IBS.

Symptoms of IBS

People with IBS may experience a variety of symptoms. Common IBS symptoms include: 

  • Excess bloating
  • Constipation 
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps 
  • Weight loss
  • Feeling uneasiness even after pooping
  • Noticing mucus in the passing stool 
  • In severe cases (rectal bleeding)

IBS Triggers

Before understanding how to live with IBS, Let’s have a look at the factors that trigger symptoms:

  • Stress
  • Periods
  • Specific foods
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Diagnosis of IBS

IBS diagnosis begins with checking the medical history of the patient. Doctors ask many questions such as:

  1. Do you have regular bowel movements?
  2. What are the digestive issues you face?
  3. Do you experience discomfort after eating certain foods?
  4. Have you been depressed or stressed lately?

The next step is conducting diagnostic tests like hydrogen breath test, blood test, and stool test. Imaging techniques like colonoscopy and upper endoscopy are also extremely helpful.

Management and Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment

Only people living with IBS for years know how difficult it is to cope with this condition. If you too are looking for ways to live with IBS, you have come to the right place. So, is there a way to get rid of IBS? Let’s find out! 

1. Dietary changes for IBS

Modification of eating habits is essential to IBS treatment. A dietician can be of great help in this matter as they will design a low FODMAP diet for you. 

Foods like beans, cabbage, dairy, broccoli, beans, etc. may cause gas and IBS symptoms may worsen. So, have these in limitation based on your symptoms. Additionally, have lots of fiber supplements/ fiber-rich foods (examples: nuts, prunes, grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.).

If you have lactose intolerance, switches to other sources of calcium instead of milk and cheese. Many people who develop IBS say that a gluten-free diet and probiotics for gut health can be good. You should also drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day. As alcoholic beverages increase gas, have alcohol in moderation.

2. IBS medications

For some patients, it becomes necessary to treat IBS with medications. The medications are prescribed by doctors after learning about the bowel habits and bowel movements of the patient. Some usual medications for IBS patients are:

  • Laxatives
  • Fiber supplements
  • Antidiarrheal medications
  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • Pain medications
  • Anticholinergic medicines 

Note: You should not experiment with IBS medications without consulting your healthcare provider. 

3. Stress management 

Many people don’t know that gut health is deeply linked with mental health. So, having digestive issues is normal when you are anxious or under stress. The gut-brain connection is so interesting that how you feel directly impacts your ability to digest food.

Therefore, a major part of keeping IBS under control is stress management. To better the relaxation response of your body, you can try yoga, meditation, etc. Regular exercise is also highly recommended as it will keep stress at bay and improve your digestion. 

4. Exercising 

For IBS symptom relief, doctors advise their patients to do some exercise every day. Many studies have revealed that exercising reduces the severity of IBS symptoms by encouraging bowel movements and promoting undisturbed sleep. You can choose any form of exercise that you like such as cycling, swimming, dancing, etc. Even walking is a good exercise for IBS.

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To Sum Up 

That was all about managing irritable bowel syndrome. Although it can’t be completely cured, with cognitive behavioral therapy and dietary changes, you can stop IBS from interfering with your daily life. However, the best treatment for you can be determined depending on the type of IBS and the symptoms. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are the most effective treatments for irritable bowel syndrome? 

Lifestyle changes, altering food habits, stress management techniques, and IBS medications are the best treatments for IBS as well as inflammatory bowel disease.

Q. Can dietary changes alone help manage IBS symptoms?

IBS may get triggered after eating certain foods and the foods that cause IBS symptoms can differ from one person to another. So, identifying your IBS triggers and making modifications to the diet can ease many symptoms of IBS. 
