Warts are a type of skin growth, and the human papillomavirus is responsible for causing this. They can be painful and contagious. Warts are of various kinds and sometimes, they are so stubborn that they won’t go away unless treated properly. So, what are warts and how are they different from other skin issues? Should you visit a dermatologist for treatment?

In this article, we will tell you all about warts, causes of warts, signs, and how you can treat them. So, stay tuned till the end as nothing’s more important than your health.

Did You Know?

Warts have troubled humans for centuries. thousands of years. Archaeologists have discovered on a mummy that’s 3000 years old. Even William Shakespeare mentioned them in one of his plays!

Types of Warts 

Warts are of five types. Each type targets a different body part and varies in terms of its appearance. 

1. Common warts

Common warts grow on the knees as well as the backside of the toes and fingers. They have a rounded top and are rough, grainy, and thick in appearance.

2. Flat warts 

Juvenile or flat warts are generally found on the thighs, arms, or face. They are caused by types 3, 28, and 10 HPV virus. They are not painful and have a flat surface.

3. Plantar warts

Plantar warts thrive on the soles of people’s feet. If you spot a small hole in your foot’s bottom and the skin around it is hard, it is probably a plantar wart.

They can be of two types: mosaic-type plantar warts and myrmecial-type plantar warts. If you have this, you may feel uncomfortable when walking

4. Periungual warts

Warts growing around and under the fingernails and toenails are periungual warts. When they start to appear, they are very small, but they soon increase in size and spread to more areas.

5. Filiform warts

Filiform warts are present around the mouth, chin, nose and also on the neck. From there, they may end up spreading to other areas. 

Warts: Causes

Warts are small, noncancerous (benign) growths that can develop on the skin or the inside of the mouth. Various types of HPV cause warts. They can appear on any part of the body like the genitals, mouth, etc. To remove , you can either try some home remedies or go to a doctor.


No all warts look alike, and their appearance may vary depending on their type. If you have, they can be

  • Smooth
  • Dome-shaped
  • With small brownish or black dots 
  • Rough
  • Cauliflower-like or bumpy 
  • Grey, black, brown, or skin-colored
  • Flat
  • Finger-line
  • Thread-like

As far as the size of warts is considered, they can be of various sizes ranging from 1 mm to a few centimeters. While some people have only one wart, others have multiple warts in the same area. 

It is not that difficult to identify a wart on your own. Still, whenever you notice a new growth on your skin, it is always advisable to see a doctor at the earliest.


Healthcare professionals rely on the following techniques to diagnose a wart:

  • Physical examination of the wart
  • Taking a small sample of a wart and testing it in the laboratory. This process is known as a shave biopsy
  • Scraping off the wart’s top layer to see if there are pinpoint dots as these are a common features.

How to Treat

Common warts mostly go away on their own without any treatment. However, they can take as long as a year (or even more) to disappear and new warts can develop in the nearby areas. This can also be treated, and these are the treatment methods:

1. 5-fluoruracil

It is an effective medicine and is to be applied directly to the areas where you can see warts. After applying the medicine, you must cover the place with a bandage, and you may have to continue with the medicine for around 12 weeks. 5-fluoruracil gives better results in kids than in adults.

2. Freezing 

When it comes to treating, freezing therapy is becoming increasingly popular. As it involves the application of liquid nitrogen, freezing therapy is supposed to be administered at a doctor’s office. This method is known as cryotherapy. First, it causes a blister around and under the wart to kill the tissue. Within 7-10 days, the dead tissue should shough off. However, repeat treatments might be necessary.

Cryotherapy is accompanied by some side effects such as scarring and blistering. As the treatment can be slightly painful, it is not recommended for children.

3. Peeling Medicine

Salicylic is a key ingredient in many wart medicines as it helps remove layers of the wart bit little by little. Research has revealed that for salicylic acid to do its magic, it can be combined with laser treatment or freezing treatment. 

Note: Do not apply the peeling medicine on genital warts as the skin surrounding the vagina is extra sensitive.

4. Candida Antigen

Wart may be treated by injecting a certain medicine (candida antigen) into the wart. Candida antigen is known for stimulating a person’s immune system and thus, strengthening the body to fight warts. However, this medicine is not FDA-approved. Still, several people have confirmed that when none of the other treatments worked for them, this one did.

The Takeaway

So, we have shared everything you needed to know about warts formation and wart treatment options. 

Q. What are the different types of warts? 

A: Warts usually are of various types like common warts, flat warts, periungual warts, filiform warts, and plantar warts. They are differentiated based on their appearance and the part of your body where they can be seen.

Q. What causes warts to appear?

A: Specific strains of the HPV virus cause warts. HPV results in the development of keratin on the epidermis. This extra keratin is what gives warts their hard and rough texture.